School of Mechanical Engineering

National Technical University of Athens

Associate Professor

Address: National Technical University of Athens,
Heroon Polytechniou 9, 15772 Zografou, Athens, Greece,
School of Mechanical Engineering, Section of Nuclear
Building Κ, 1st floor, Room AK8. 
Tel.  (+30) 210 772-2939, (+30) 210 772-2943.
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Personal Homepage:


2003 PhD in Nuclear Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
1991 Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens

Professional Experience

2024 - today Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
2013 - 2024 Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
2006 - 2013 Lecturer of Nuclear Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
2002 - 2006 Research assistant (tenured, post doctoral), Nuclear Engineering Department, School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
2000 - 2002 Head of the Undersecretariat for EU Community Support Framework Projects of NTUA (Research Committee Secretariat, Section D)
1997 - 2000 Member of the Executive Team of the Project: "Quality Assessment of Educational and other Provided Services at the National Technical University of Athens" (Project conducted within the Greek Operational Programme "Education and Initial Vocational Training" under the 2nd EU Community Support Framework)
1992 - 1997 Consulting Engineer

Fission Nuclear Power Reactors and their Radiological Consequences in the Environment.


1995 - 1997 Research Assistant, Nuclear Engineering Department, National Technical University of Athens

Member of:

2003 Health Physics Society
1992 Hellenic Association of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers
1992 Technical Chamber of Greece

Current Duties
Director - Laboratory of Νuclear Εngineering, School of Mechanical Engineering NTUA.
Director - PC Lab, School of Mechanical Engineering NTUA.

Teaches at NTUA
Undergraduate courses - sophomore (School of Mechanical Engineering): 
- Physical Principles of Nuclear Power Reactors (Nuclear Engineering I) (7th fall semester).
- Materials testing with Radiography and Ultrasound (8th spring semester).
Co-teaching with Professor M.J. Anagnostakis:
- Nuclear Measurement Systems (8th spring semester). 

Postgraduate Courses: 
- Non - Destructive Material Testing with Nuclear Engineering Methods (Interdisciplinary - Interdepartmental Post Graduate Program "Applied Mechanics", spring semester).
- Fusion Nuclear Reactors (Interdisciplinary - Interdepartmental Post Graduate Program "Physics and Technological Applications", spring semester).